Poisoned Keyboard

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Know Your Enemy

As I've watched the images from London pour across the Television Landscape today, I am filled with an odd sense of reassurrance.

Our sworn terrorist enemies are indeed destined to lose in this ideological war, and lose badly. Because for all their technical bomb-making prowess, and dastardly planning skills, they quite obviously have absolutely ZERO grasp of overall strategy and tactics, and that shall be their ultimate undoing.

For example, today's attack on the London subway comes only one day after the announcement that Britian was drawing up plans to withdraw from Iraq. This critical removal of support would have shattered any remaining vestige of a "coalition of the willing" in Iraq and would have undoubtedly led to the rather hasty follow-suit of the Americans. But by detonating 4 largely ineffective explosives (when compared to, say, the Twin Towers or the Madrid bombings) in the heart of Britain, they have instead given proponents of the war a powerful weapon to argue for continuance. What a tremendous strategic blunder!

Or look at the G8 summit that started just today! Leaders of several other major countries were all lining up for their chance to give President Bush a truckload of grief about the "overreaching, disastrously managed, and largely fruitless Global War On Terror". But then comes this poorly timed strike on the subways... what can they say now? Nothing, that's what! Take that terrorists, you blew it again!

Or how about the President's sliding domestic poll numbers concerning all things terroristic? By their ineptly chosen attack, the terrorists have provided the American Media a cornucopia of fresh images with which to assail the viewing public, constant reminders of how dangerous the times are and how much "those who hate our freedoms" really just want anybody that they can kill quite, quite dead. These are just the kind of reminders the President could use right about now, so, nice going, Osama!

For that matter, what about the catastrophically conceived 9/11 affair? The Project for the New American Century, which claims as its board members many members of the current administration such as Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney, and Paul Wolfowitz among others, stated quite publicly in September of 2000 that the proper course of Americas future was to radically beef up the military and then use it to stifle and/or crush any other countries on the globe that did not fit into the concept of a "New American Century" Then, they included the caveat that getting the American people at large behind this idea was quite unlikely, barring "some catastrophic and catalyzing event - like a new Pearl Harbor..." You terroristic morons, not only did you play right into their hands, but their manifesto had been available in book form and on the internet for a year before you handed it to them! Plus, what did you think was going to happen? Didn't it occur to you that the US would swat Afgahnistan first, and then anybody else it felt like until it was sure it had gotten you all??

See what I mean? These terrorists have absolutely no grasp of strategy when it comes to the big picture. It's like, everything they pull off actually tremendously aids the agendas of their sworn enemies, and brings nothing but reasons for the continuation of pain and suffering upon them! Hahaha, stupid terrorists!

So, since we are obviously facing complete tactical idiots, it is only a matter of time before they make enough bumbling blunders to cause their own destruction or something, and then everybody can come home and go shopping!

-end sarcasm.


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