Poisoned Keyboard

Thursday, June 23, 2005

A Minifesto

The reasons behind the Poisoned Keyboard are legion. I shant bore you with them all. Suffice it to say, my beleaguered wife will appreciate my choosing an outlet for my rants insightful observations, and I will feel better doing something a little more effective that pointing out what I feel is obvious to the afore mentioned long suffering spouse. How effective remains to be seen, but Martin Luther's brilliant work in the medium of ink, paper, and door remains influential 488 years later. While I surely do not place myself at his level or in his company, the changes he wrought began when he picked up a pen. Well, welcome to the 21st century, Marty.

Within these writings you will probably find everything you already know. If I inform or educate, then yay for me. If I screw up, call me on it. If you disagree, let me know. In the end we are all cut from the same bolt of fabric, and I am no better or worse than you. I just see things a little differently.

You may also find that I will devote some article space to ridiculing those TV commercials I deem particularly insipid and uninspired. In the real world I work on film crews that churn out these blights on our culture, although the creative content decisions have been long finalized by the time I am hired on the job. I therefore feel qualified to critique some of the entries in the Incessant 30-Second Film Festival of the Banal that assaults us everytime we get within earshot of a TV. I'll even link to them when possible so you can join me in the Great Mocking.

So, thanks for spending a part of your day following my ramblings. I hope to make it worth it for both of us. Welcome aboard.


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